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Client fees

Client fees for social and health care services at the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland 2025. Client fees are the same throughout the wellbeing services county.

Client fees 2025

Client Fee Guide (pdf)

Attached you will find a pdf version of the entire client fee guide for the Southwest Finland Wellbeing Services County. The client fees are valid from 1.1.2025.

General principles to be observed in client fees

The determination of client fees for social and health care services in the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland applies the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare (734/1992, henceforth referred to as the Act on Client Fees), the Act on Amending the Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare (1201/2020 and 791/2022), and the Government Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare (912/1992, henceforth referred to as the Decree on Client Fees).

The client fees for social welfare and health care come into force on 1 January 2025 in social welfare and health care services organised by the Wellbeing Services County of Southwestern Finland. The Act and Decree on Client
Fees will also be applied to outsourced services of the Wellbeing Services County.

Fees can be charged to the users of the Wellbeing Services County’s services, unless otherwise decreed
by legislation. The fees can be charged according to the client’s ability to pay. The fees on services may not exceed the costs incurred in producing the services. (Act on Client Fees, Sections 1 and 2).

Some of the fees for social welfare and health care have been tied to indexes Index reviews are conducted

Client billing instructions and contact details

What to do if you need to postpone the due date or set up a payment plan? What is the payment ceiling and which payments are covered it? How to apply for a reduction and non-collection of fees?