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Client fees for disability services
Client fees for disability services
Client fees for disability services in services granted as of 1 January 2025. Client fees are uniform throughout the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland. Client fees in accordance with the transition phase of the amended Disability Services Act (services granted until 31 December 2024) can be found at the bottom of the page.
The new Disability Services Act entered into force on 1 January 2025. Applications received after this will be processed in accordance with the new Disability Services Act. If the application has been received before 1 January 2025, it will still be processed in accordance with the legislation in force at that time.
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Client fees for disability services in services from 1 January 2025
Upkeep fee, long-term
The fee may be determined in parts depending on the client's use, the general part is charged to all residents of the housing unit.
- General part: €19.70/month
- Sauna fee: €9.30/month
- Laundry service: €13.90/month
- Internet connection in shared spaces: €3.50/month
Upkeep fee, short-term
For persons over 16 years of age €17.40/24h
For persons under 16 years of age €10.45/24h
Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Further information
The assistance and support included in the training is free of charge for the client. However, the coaching may include maintenance, such as supplies or equipment that incur costs for the individual, regardless of their disability. Typical costs, regardless of disability, are those expenses that a person generally incurs for living and housing. These expenses include, for example, meals, personal hygiene items, household supplies and materials, cleaning supplies, internet, and newspapers.
In long-term services, a person pays for general housing costs, such as rent, electricity and water.
Upkeep fee, long-term
The fee may be determined in parts depending on the client's use, the general part is charged to all residents of the housing unit.
- General part: €19.70/month
- Sauna fee: €9.30/month
- Laundry service: €13.90/month
- Internet connection in shared spaces: €3.50/month
Upkeep fee, short-term
For persons over 16 years of age €17.40/24h
For persons under 16 years of age €10.45/24h
Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Further information
Assistance and support included in housing support is free of charge for the client. Maintenance means, for example, supplies or equipment that incur costs for the individual, regardless of their disability.
Typical costs, regardless of disability, are those expenses that a person generally incurs for living and housing. These expenses include, for example, meals, personal hygiene items, household supplies and materials, cleaning supplies, internet, and newspapers.
In long-term services, a person pays for general housing costs, such as rent, electricity and water.
The fee charged to the child and parents may not exceed a total of 500 euros per month.
Further information
When a child’s supported housing is arranged in their home, the related assistance, support, and services are free of charge.
A fee may be charged for a child’s supported housing arranged outside the home if it is justified considering the family’s financial circumstances and support obligations.
The Wellbeing Services County may charge a fee for a child’s supported housing arranged outside the home, based on the costs incurred for the child’s maintenance.
If a parent is obligated to pay child support, the Wellbeing Services County may collect the child support or child maintenance allowance for the period during which the child’s supported housing is arranged outside the home.
In addition to collecting child support or maintenance allowance to cover living expenses, the Wellbeing Services County may charge a reasonable fee from the child’s or adolescent’s other income, compensation, or receivables. The Act on Client Fees defines an upper limit that the total fee charged for the child’s supported housing cannot exceed.
When charging a fee from a child, the Wellbeing Services County must ensure that the child retains a personal allowance that is at least equivalent to the allowance specified in Section 7 c, Subsection 3, for long-term family care for a child in family care, or at least equivalent to the allowance specified in Section 7 c, Subsection 3, for long-term 24-hour sheltered housing for a child residing in a small group home.
Upkeep fee for short-term care
For persons over 16 years of age €17.40/24h
For persons under 16 years of age €10.45/24h
Meals: Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Holiday care in a club format maintenance fee
Meals: Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Further information
Upkeep related to morning and afternoon activities organised as short-term care is free of charge.
Assistance and support related to short-term care is free of charge for the client, however, it may involve maintenance, such as supplies or equipment that incur costs for the individual, regardless of their disability.
Typical costs, regardless of disability, are those expenses that a person generally incurs for living and housing. These expenses include, for example, meals, personal hygiene items, household supplies and materials, cleaning supplies, internet, and newspapers.
Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Further information
Daytime activities are free of charge for the client, but they may nevertheless involve maintenance, such as supplies or equipment that incur costs for the individual, regardless of their disability.
Typical costs, regardless of disability, are those expenses that a person generally incurs for living and housing. These expenses include, for example, meals, personal hygiene items, household supplies and materials, cleaning supplies, internet, and newspapers.
Personal liability for transport services within the Varha area is the same as the fare for a regular single ticket paid via Föli's contactless payment.
Monthly cap on the personal liability for transport services within the Varha area is the same as the fare for the 30-day season pass for the Föli customer group.
Personal liability for transport services outside the Varha area and in external traffic is calculated based on the unit price according to the pricing of Matkahuolto's nationwide serial tickets for the customer group (30 trips/30 days).
Further information
Mobility support is free of charge when it is implemented in some other way than as a transport service. For transport services, the Wellbeing Services County may charge a person with disabilities a client fee no higher than the local public transport fee. The client fee is primarily determined according to the bus fare. The Wellbeing Services County may also charge a reasonable fee comparable to another public transport fee if no public transport has been organised in the area of the municipality.
The Wellbeing Services County may charge a customer fee only if the customer has actually used the transport service.
A disabled person has the right to free transportation to work activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities and to day activities for people with disabilities, if they have significant difficulties with mobility and are unable to independently use public transportation without undue difficulty.
Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Further information
The work activity is free of charge for the client, but it may nevertheless involve maintenance, such as supplies or equipment that incur costs for the individual, regardless of their disability.
Typical costs, regardless of disability, are those expenses that a person generally incurs for living and housing. These expenses include, for example, meals, personal hygiene items, household supplies and materials, cleaning supplies, internet, and newspapers.
Upkeep fee, short-term
Upkeep fee, long-term
Further information
A monthly fee will be charged to clients of long-term services. The fee may not exceed 85 percent of the client's monthly net income after statutory deductions. The client must be left with a minimum disposable income of €122/month.
Upkeep fee, long-term
The fee may be determined in parts depending on the client's use, the general part is charged to all residents of the housing unit.
- General part: €19.70/month
- Sauna fee: €9.30/month
- Laundry service: €13.90/month
- Internet connection in shared spaces: €3.50/month
Upkeep fee, short-term
For persons over 16 years of age €17.40/24h
For persons under 16 years of age €10.45/24h
Invoicing to the client based on the meal price list.
Breakfast: €3.50/meal
Lunch: €6.80/meal
Afternoon coffee: €1.70/meal
Dinner: €6.10/meal
Evening snack: €1.90/meal
Whole day: €20.00/daily meals
Meal transported home: €11.00/meal
Ingredient fees
Breakfast: €1.55/meal
Lunch: €3.05/meal
Snack: €0.90/meal
Dinner: €2.75/meal
Evening snack: €0.90/meal
For 24 hours: €9.10
If a client in disability services participates in meal preparation, the fee is charged only for the ingredients.
Client fees in the transition phase of the legislative amendment
The new Disability Services Act entered into force on 1 January 2025. Applications received after this will be processed in accordance with the new Disability Services Act. If the application has been received before 1 January 2025, it will still be processed in accordance with the legislation in force at that time.
Upkeep fee for short-term housing service:
- For persons over 16 years of age €17.40/24h
- For persons under 16 years of age €10.45/24h
Partial maintenance of persons under 16 years of age, i.e. partial-day care, is free of charge. If the care lasts for more than 24 hours, a client fee will be charged.
Further information
A fee may be charged to the client for upkeep in special care under the Intellectual Disabilities Act and in sheltered housing under the Disability Services Act, excluding partial upkeep provided to persons under 16 years of age. No upkeep fee is charged for nurture and care.
The fee does not accrue toward the payment ceiling. The upkeep fee does not include meals, meals are invoiced according to their use.
Upkeep fee for long-term housing: €46.40/month
The fee may be determined in parts depending on the client's use, the general part is charged to all residents of the housing unit.
- General part €19.70/month
- Sauna fee: €9.30/month
- Laundry service: €13.90/month
- Internet connection in shared spaces: €3.50/month
Further information
Partial maintenance, i.e. partial-day care, of persons under 16 years of age is free of charge. If the care lasts for more than 24 hours, a client fee will be charged. Housing services for disabled people will be arranged as special care under the Intellectual Disabilities Act and as sheltered housing in accordance with the Disability Services Act.
The fee does not accrue toward the payment ceiling. The upkeep fee does not include meals, meals are invoiced according to their use.
A monthly fee will be charged to clients of long-term institutional care and institutional rehabilitation. The fee may not exceed 85 percent of the client's monthly net income after statutory deductions. The client must be left with a minimum disposable income of €122/month.
A monthly fee will be charged to a client of long-term family care. The fee may not exceed 85 percent of the client's monthly net income after statutory deductions. The client of long-term family care must be left with a minimum disposable income of €182/month.
€20/4–12 hours
€38/operating period
The client pays for transport and excursions.
€58/child/operating period
A fee equal to the personal liability for transportation services for individuals with severe disabilities is charged for the transportation.
No partial upkeep fee or transportation fee is charged for summer activities organised as special care for children with intellectual disabilities.
Personal liability for transport services within the Varha area is the same as the fare for a regular single ticket paid via Föli's contactless payment.
Monthly cap on the personal liability for transport services within the Varha area is the same as the fare for the 30-day season pass for the Föli customer group.
Personal liability for transport services outside the Varha area and in external traffic is calculated based on the unit price according to the pricing of Matkahuolto's nationwide serial tickets for the customer group (30 trips/30 days).
Personal liability for transport services for work and daytime activities is 3 euros.
Client Fee Guide (pdf)
Attached you will find a pdf version of the entire client fee guide for the Southwest Finland Wellbeing Services County. The client fees are valid from 1.1.2025.