Assessment and counselling service for treatment needs, Turku health stations
Keywords:Contact information and opening hours
PhoneThe Turku health centres' reception assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs
Phone, Phone<span class="subheading">The Turku health centres' reception assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs</span>: 02 266 1130Opening hours
Exceptional opening hours
Turku health stations' reception services assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs is offered to the public on weekdays. The phone serves clients from Mäntymäki, Keskusta, Runosmäki, Kirkkotie and Varissuo health stations.
Evaluation of the need for care and health care guidance
Turku health stations' reception services assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs is offered to the public on weekdays. A call-back system is in use. Listen to the recording carefully and leave a call request. You will be called back during the same day. You can also handle matters at the health centre's information desk during opening hours.
Cancelling an appointment
By using the assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs, you can cancel any appointment you have made at any time of the day or night. Recorded instructions for cancellation are provided. Cancellation of an appointment must be done no later than 15:00 on the business day before the reserved date. An appointment left uncancelled or cancelling too late is subject to a “no-show” charge.
In non-urgent matters (e.g. laboratory results, forms, etc.), you can make contact electronically via eTerveyspalvelu (eHealth service). We may not deal the same day with communications that have come via this channel. If you need a health care assessment the same day, please make contact by using another communication channel. eTerveyspalvelu serves only in Finnish and in Swedish.
It is also possible for you to make a direct appointment via eTerveyspalvelu under the following circumstances:
• You can book an appointment with a nurse if it involves removing wound staples or stitches, administering an injection, a vaccination, or ear washing.
• If you are concerned about a mole, you can reserve an appointment to show it to a doctor
Appointment times are available in the service on a varying basis. Call the assessment and counselling phone service for treatment needs if a suitable time is unavailable in the service.
The Omaolo service also serves as an electronic transaction channel (