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Contact information and opening hours

Visiting address

Hyrköistentie 26-28
20240 TURKU

Postal address

Hyrköistentie 26-28
20240 TURKU

Opening hours

Opening hours
Monday–Friday 8.00–16.00
Appointment booking and consulting by phone
Monday–Thursday 8.00–16.00
Friday 8.00–15.30

Exceptional opening hours

18.4.2025 Good Friday
20.4.2025 Easter Sunday
21.4.2025 Easter Monday
1.5.2025 May Day
29.5.2025 Ascension Day
8.6.2025 Whit Sunday

Pansio health station is located in Turku on the border of Pansi's and Perno's neighborhoods in the Höveli property.

Pansio health station serves both residents of its own neighborhood and customers who have chosen the health center. Contact the health station electronically or by phone when you are worried about your health, have a sudden symptom or need support in the treatment of your illness.