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Contact information and opening hours

Visiting address

Sairaalantie 8

Opening hours

Monday–Friday 8.00–16.00
Monday 8.00–16.00
Tuesday 10.00–15.00
Wednesday 9.00–14.00
Thursday–Friday 10.00–15.00

Exceptional opening hours

18.4.2025 Good Friday
20.4.2025 Easter Sunday
21.4.2025 Easter Monday
1.5.2025 May Day
29.5.2025 Ascension Day
8.6.2025 Whit Sunday

Laitila Health Centre serves the residents of its area in matters related to health, health and medical care.

Services in the health centre

- Health centre services: reception of doctors and nurses

- Rehabilitation services: physiotherapy*, speech and occupational therapy, assistive equipment unit and a memory coordinator

- For children, young people and families: family planning, maternity and child health clinics

- Mental health services: medical and nursing appointments, opiate substitution treatment

- Oral health services: dental and oral hygiene appointments

*You can make an appointment for a physiotherapist's direct consultation via the health needs assessment. You can also contact us via Omaolo.