Respond to the survey and influence the services of the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland
Keywords:The Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland organises an open survey for all residents of the region about the drafting of the service strategy.

The service strategy is the plan for organising social and health services within the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland. It defines the long-term goals of the wellbeing services county for how the services can be produced with the highest quality.
- Through this survey, we want to hear as many people as possible among the residents of the welfare services county. It is important that we gather versatile and diverse material to support decision-making, emphasises Leena Setälä, the Chief Strategy Officer of the Wellbeing Services County.
The service strategy survey for the residents will open on Monday, 11 September, and you can answer it until 5 October. You can write your answers in Finnish, Swedish or English. You can access the survey on the Varha website.
In the spring of 2023, inhabitants were asked general questions about the service strategy. This time, particular attention will be paid to the service structure, network and service providers. The responses will be considered fully in preparing the strategy.
In addition to the resident survey, the service strategy is circulated for comments in the various organisms of the Wellbeing Services County Varha, as well as in social services and health care businesses and associations within the wellbeing services county.
The service strategy will be completed in the autumn
Policy decisions on the service strategy will be made by the end of 2023, after which the planning of the service network will begin. The results of the survey have an impact on how the services provided by the wellbeing services county are structured. The first Varha service strategy focuses on seven service packages with the most urgent need for development.