More than one million donated to the TYKS Foundation
The TYKS Foundation has received a bequest of 1.6 million euros. The record-breaking donation is stated in the will of Jarmo Karppi (1953-2022) from Kaarina.
Egentliga Finlands välfärdsområdesstyrelse godkände planen för löneharmonisering
Egentliga Finlands välfärdsområde (Varha) förbereder sig på att söka ändring i fullmakten att uppta lån, välfärdsområdesstyrelsen godkände planen för löneharmonisering och förenhetligandet av tjänstebeteckningar.
Contact information of Varha
Client billing and instructions
On this page, you can find information and instructions on client billing.
Management of the Wellbeing Services County
On this page, you can find the contact information on the management of the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland.
Contact information on management of services for the elderly
On this page, you can find the key contact information on services for the elderly in the Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland. If you need or a person close to you needs services for the elderly, contact the centralised client guidance for the elderly in Southwest Finland.