Oral Health Care
Suun terveydenhuolto huolehtii suun terveyden edistämisestä sekä terveyden- ja sairaanhoidosta. Palveluja ovat kiireellinen ensiapu, perushammashoito, erikoishammashoito. Lisäksi hammashoitoloissa saat neuvontaa ennaltaehkäisevään omahoitoon.
First Jarmo Karppi Award to Docent Päivi Lähteenmäki
The Jarmo Karppi Distinguished Cancer Researcher Award has been presented to Päivi Lähteenmäki, a specialist in paediatrics and paediatric haematology. She has made a particular contribution to the research and development of psychosocial support for people with childhood cancer…
The Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee assesses the ethics of healthcare science research projects of humans, human embryos and foetuses and the observance of the law in these researches and gives statements about their assessments to the applicant.